Store Phone (928) 333-4321 Store Fax (928) 333-4328 106 E Main Street Springerville, AZ 85938
Store Hours: 9:00AM - 7:00PM Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00AM - 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM - 6:00PM Sat 9:00AM - 4:00PM Sun

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't see what you need here, please let us know! You can message us at the bottom of this page or give us a call at (928) 333-4321. 

How big is Western Drug?

Our location is 18,000 square feet packed with everything you need from health, sports, clothing, crafts, and more!

Do you deliver prescriptions? 

Yes! Request delivery by calling (928)  333-2916 or login on this website or the app.

What insurances do you accept?

We accept most major insurances. 

Do you accept GoodRx?

No, we don't. Consumer reports reported that GoodRX has been selling patient data, which does not align with our values. We do, however, offer our own discount program that is competitive and can be used at other pharmacies if needed.

Where can I get a hunting and fishing license?

As of 2022, Arizona Game & Fish licenses are available only online. Use your computer, laptop, tablet, or cell phone to complete the process. We do offer a computer and printer for this process. The fee is $2.00.

What seasonal gear do you carry?

We offer all kinds of seasonal gear! In the winter we offer snow pants, gloves, and mittens. In the warmer months, we have rain gear, an amazing selection of hats, and more!

Can I buy a handgun if I don't live in Arizona?

Unfortunately, no. Federal law prohibits purchasing a handgun if you don't live in Arizona. You can purchase a riffle or shotgun!

Do you carry pet supplies?

Yes! We have a great selection for all your four-legged friends including kitten and puppy milk.

Do you carry worms?

Yes! We carry all kinds of fishing bait including live worms.

Can I have a firearm sent to your store?

Our customers can have a firearm shipped to Western Drug from a licensed firearm dealer. Call the Sporting Goods department for more information. You will need to fill our a Federal Form 4473. If you are not exempt from a background check, we must receive a "proceed" response from NICS before we transfer the firearm. The customer must pay a $30.00 transfer fee. (Amount is subject to change)

I am not sure what supplements are right for me; how do I decide which of your products are right for me?

Our pharmacists have worked hard to create recommendations for supplements depending on your chronic conditions. Call, message, or text us and we are happy to offer a recommendation just for you!